Friday, December 19, 2008

Friendship forever

Friend-Ship is the ship to dreamland
Carries the freight of Love & Pain, grief & glee
And so on
Fights with tides of lonesomeness & unhappiness
Carries you across the ocean of Sorrow
Give you the endowment in form of pal
The One that keep you always jovial
The one when it comes to you, your heart fills with merriment
The one when it get Aparted, your heart fills with Glum
Friendship is something for Forever Friends
That keep you live with life time Smile on your Cheek

Friend-Ship is the ship to dreamland
Ship to Most magnificent feat of existence
Always jog it
With Love of Friendship
And be happy forever

Thursday, December 4, 2008

i've decided to write this

it took me 5 damn hours to think about it.

We've been together since we were
Just barely more than babes,
Holding onto Mummy's hand,
Missing two front teeth.
Some of us now have to wear
A bra and some to shave,
Adults in what our hearts demand,
Still children underneath.

Together we learned how to read,
Together learned to play,
To add and multiply our friends,
To give and to receive.

Our teachers taught us how to lead,
To put our tears away,
To separate our means and ends,
To work and to achieve.

And now we step across a line;
Our childhood is gone.
Soon, just like a morning dream,
The memories will fade.

But if we turn out good and kind,
Rejoicing in the sun,
We'll know to thank these sheltered years
Where our first joys remain.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

FinaLLy... V haV thE WhoLe grOup foto.. N tiS onE oso thE onLi One..

BesT frEnz.. ( Tis One i Sure AboUt IT)

Ahhh~~ Oh No... (i MeaN the LiGht So BrighT)

GanG oF 38 agaIn.. IsnT it.?? HaHaha...

ClouDy MornInG...

PretTy GirL(woMaN) Huh~~~

OuR Ex. MoNItoR.. MUst remembEr Him Huh...

NiCe ClasS no. Tat TimE waS RaInninG u Noe..

TakINg Foto At d BeE faRm...

Very LeIsuRe Huh...

Ho~~ i CauGht u Two.. i wAn Giv Tis Photo To TeacHEr..

Huhhhh....~~~ Hu TheSe guyS huh.... TAt smArter Wan LooK faMilIAr...


Zzz.. Wei Wei wEi.. HAng ShenG.. r u tryIng to SteaL BisCuits??

InDian MEh..

Hei.. Wat The Heck IS tiS..??

BeSt freNz..??

Hei hEI!!! CamEra heRe lA... WheRe VaneSsa LookIng aT.. haiZ.. Got lEngZai mEh.??

Yo..YO.. Wat r They DoinG..

Wow.. JIn ZhonG so Open-HAndEd.. Rm 10 lEh...